Newsletters / Network Updates
Asia Pacific CSO Beijing + 25 Declaration (November 2019)
On the 24 – 26 November, 2019 over three hundred women’s rights and feminist organisations, networks and movements from across the Pacific and the Asian Regions, represented their much larger networks and associations at the national, regional and international levels, at the NGO Forums and Young Feminist Forum held at Nouvo Hotel and UN ESCAP, Bangkok. This work also builds on the Framework for Action from the February 2019 B+25 Caucus convened by Dr Patricia Licuanan in February 2019 at Women and Gender Institute (WAGI), Philippines (outcomes from this below). We collectively called for government accountability to speed up and implement commitments made over the last 25 years under the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) to advance gender equality and the rights of
women and girls.
Click here to read the publication.
In the context of the 25-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA), then Elimination of Discrimination of Violence Against Women (EDVAW Platform) has launched a publication to present its contribution to the implementation of the BPfA and to providing unified responses to the challenges to women’s rights to a life free from violence and discrimination.
There are seven UN and regional independent women’s human rights expert mechanisms mandated to address discrimination and gender based violence against women and girls. All of these mechanisms are entrusted with monitoring and supporting the implementation of States’ commitments under the global and regional women’s human rights frameworks, including the Beijing Platform of Action, the 2030 Agenda, and UN and regional instruments on women’s rights.
The expert mechanisms support and complement each other in these efforts for implementation through a dynamic and complex relationship, under the Platform of independent expert mechanisms on discrimination and violence against women – EDVAW Platform.
Click here to read the publication.
Working Together for Equality – NGO Beijing + 25 Review Report (October 2019)
The ‘Working Together for Equality Beijing + 25 Review 2019 : Australia’ is part of the ongoing Australian Civil Society monitoring and evaluation of women’s rights commitments made by the Australian Government and Civil Society to the advancement of women through use of agreed strategies from the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPFA) (1995), and the Beijing +5 Outcomes Document (2000). The purpose of this document is to measure Australia’s progress in the last 5 years (2014-2019) against the BPFA 25 years since it was agreed in 1995.
Click here to read the publication.
Asia Pacific NGO Caucus on Beijing +25 (Philippines) (February 7th 2019)
A most special feature of the Beijing Conference was its highly participatory nature. The preparations for the Beijing Conference involved a complex consultation process at national, regional and global levels. The partnership with NGOs throughout the process, though not without tension, was unparalleled. The observance of and preparations for Beijing + 25 should be highly participatory as well. The Asia Pacific NGO Forum on Beijing +25 was organised to facilitate a systematic and coordinated engagement by feminists and feminist organisations in the official review of the outcome of the FWCW in the Asia and Pacific Region.
A group of feminist Beijing veterans in the Philippines led by Patricia B. Licuanan, with the Women and Gender Institute (WAGI) of Miriam College as the institutional base, convened a caucus among selected NGOs working for gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Asia-Pacific region. It will be recalled that Dr. Licuanan was Chair of the UNCSW as the preparatory body to the FWCW. As Chair, she oversaw the substantive preparations for the Conference and in Beijing in 1995 chaired the Main Committee which negotiated and approved the Beijing Platform for Action.
It must also be recalled that the Asia-Pacific NGO Forum on Beijing + 10 was held on June 30 to July 3, 2004 in Mahidol University in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. The Asia Pacific NGO Forum on Beijing + 15 with the theme “Weaving Wisdom, Confronting Crises, Forging the Future” was held on October 22-24, 2009 at Miriam College in Quezon City, Philippines. Both NGO forums were chaired by Licuanan and organized under the auspices of Asia-Pacific Women’s Watch (APWW).
Two key outcomes from this meeting are :
- A Feminist Gist – The caucus discussed how women’s movements in Asia and the Pacific want to engage the regional review process and how this involvement should be organized. The caucus also sought to ensure that women’s movements in the region, especially the younger generation of feminists, can substantially participate in this review and appraisal process.
Click here for the feminist gist of that caucus.
One of the outcomes of the Asia Pacific NGO Caucus on Beijing +25 held in the Philippines last January 28-29, 2019, is a feminist framework for the advancement of BPfA. The framework is derived from the two-day discussions that sought a critical reflection on the gains, losses, significance, and persistent challenges of the BPfA throughout the years. The collectively derived framework provides a critical analysis of the threats to the feminist agenda in the region, as well as guiding principles in optimising existing opportunities for ways forward.
Click here for the draft Regional BPfA Framework for Action
In preparation for CSW 59th Session held at the UN New York in March 2015, celebrating the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) 20 year review. The Working Together for Equality: Beijing+20 Review 2014 – Australia NGO Report is formed part of the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the commitments made by the Australian Government and Civil Society to the advancement of women through use of the agreed strategies from the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA) (1995), and the Beijing+5 Outcomes Document (2000). The purpose of this study is to measure Australia’s progress against the BPFA 20 years since it was agreed in 1995. A broad and interactive community consultation formed the basis of this study, with analysis of data from these consultations highlighting the key issues, gains, gaps and challenges for women in Australia in 2014. This study builds on the findings from the 15, 10 and 5 year NGO reviews of the BPFA and presents collaborative thought, analysis and advocacy for the advancement of women in Australia.
The issues and language highlighted in this study reflect the voices of 1,879 women and 151 men and the 24 organisations who represent the voices of many thousands of women and men who participated in the review process. This Beijing+20 Review is drawn from information gathered from Australia-wide caravans, an online survey and submissions from national women’s alliances, peak bodies, Thematic and Identity organisations and other civil society groups.
Click here to read publication.
CSW 59th Session NGO Side Event Report : Working with Men and Boys : A Critical Dialogue (May 2015)
The following is a report from the ‘Working with Men and Boys: A Critical Dialogue’ hosted as part of the CSW 59th Session NGO Parallel Events (Asia Pacific). The workshop took place in New York on the 12th of March, 2015 and was attended by over 30 participants
Involving men and boys in the push for gender equality and women’s empowerment has gained momentum in Australia and globally, as evidenced by recent high profile forums and campaigns such as the Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner’s Male Champions of Change initiative; the 2014 MenEngage Global Symposium in Delhi, India; The International Conference on Masculinities: Engaging Men and Boys For Gender Equality in New York; the White Ribbon campaign; and, the UN Women HeForShe campaign.
The increasing focus on engaging men and boys in gender equality and women’s rights as a strategy in the struggle for women’s empowerment, is largely framed by two arguments:
- that characterising ‘gender’ as solely female marginalises women; and
- that owing to existing patriarchal structures, men and boys are positioned as ‘gatekeepers’ of the prevailing social order, and therefore leaving them out of the movement is an ultimately ineffective strategy.
Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash, Australian Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women, gave the opening address in which she spoke about the importance of engaging men and boys in gender equality and the Australian Government’s commitment to work in this area. Senator Cash’s opening remarks were followed by a panel discussion that drew together women from the Asia Pacific region and America. The panel represented a cross section of women working in the sector including those working with men and boy at the grassroots level; with government and business leaders; and, in feminist academia. Panel members included:
- Ms Elizabeth Broderick: Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner
- Ms Kathryn M. Relang: Executive Director, Women United Together Marshall Islands (WUTMI)
- Dr Diana Anders: Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York University
Ms Ofa-ki-Levuka Guttenbeil-Likiliki: Director, Women and Children Crisis Centre, Tonga - Dr Chris J. Cuomo: Professor of Philosophy and Women’s Studies, University of Georgia
Click here to read the publication
From 1-12 March 2010, the Commission on the Status of Women undertook a fifteen-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly. Emphasis was placed on the sharing of experiences and good practices, with a view to overcoming remaining obstacles and new challenges, including those related to the Millennium Development Goals.
The Australian NGO report ‘Working Together for Equality: Beijing + 15 Review’ is part of the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the commitments made by the Australian Government to the advancement of women through use of the agreed strategies from the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA), and the Beijing+5 Outcomes Document. The purpose of this review is to measure Australia’s progress against the BPFA 15 years since it was agreed in 1995. A broad and interactive community consultation formed the basis of this report, with analysis of data from these consultations highlighting the key issues, gains, gaps and challenges for women in Australia in 2009 – 2010.
This report builds on the findings from the 5- and 10-year review of the BPFA and presents collaborative thought, analysis and advocacy for the advancement of women in Australia. The review consists of local and state caravans and on-line questionnaires. In addition, a survey of working with men and boys was also undertaken in recognition that the advancement of women is a societal responsibility that comes about through all actors working together for equality.
Click here to read the publication
Beijing +15 NGO Advocacy Information Sheets (2009)
Also in preparation for the regional meetings a number of advocacy papers were prepared for CSO’s and NGO’s to use in advocacy.
These can be found by clicking on the titles below
Women in Education and Training
Women in Power and Decision Making